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Body to examine spray

24th April 1982, Page 4
24th April 1982
Page 4
Page 4, 24th April 1982 — Body to examine spray
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A GOVERNMENT-sponsored committee is to investigate the possibilities of applying spray suppression standards to heavy lorries, Junior Transport Minister Reginald Eyre said on Tuesday this week.

Commenting on the White Paper on lorries, people, and the environment, and the amendments made to it since December, Mr Eyre said: "We are looking urgently at how to develop the technical standards on spray suppression as a basis for a regulation.

"The British Standards Institution has agreed to set up a committee to consider this", he added.

Mr Eyre, who was speaking at the presentation of the first approval certificate for an anti-locking brake system on a Crane Fruehauf semi-trailer, said that the proposed heavier lorries will have to meet more stringent standards than those which apply to existing vehicles.

And he went on: "Our 'do nothing' opponents want the status quo; we want and are providing safer, quieter, more economical lorries, and roads to take lorries away from where people live."