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It is now possible to give brief preliminary particulars of the Roads and Transport Congress and Exhibition (1919), to be held at the Royal Agricultural Hall, London, from November 20th to 27th next, under the auspices of the County Councils Association, who have received the cc-operation of the Associa tion of Municipal Corporations, the Urban District Councils Association, the Rural District Councils Association, the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers, and the County Surveyors Society. The Congress and Exhibition will be formally opened on Thursday, November
20th, at a time to be subsequently fixed, and the Congress sessions, for which the following comprehensive programme has been arranged, will commence on the morning of Friday, November 21st:—
Friday, November 21st, at 11 a.m.— Paper on "Concrete Roads, their Construction, Maintenance and Life."
Friday, November 21st, at 2.30 p.m.— Paper on "Asphaltic Macadam (Bituminousi) Roads and their Exte-nded Use," by IL T. Wakelam, F.G.S., • M.S.A., County Engineer, Middlesex. Saturday, November 22nd, at 11.30 a.m.---Paper on "The Consolida tion and Amendment of the Highways Law." by H. Hampton Copnall, Cleric to the Notts. County Council. Monday, November 24th, at 2.30 p.m, —Paper on "The Relative Advantages of Single and. Double Goat Road Surfacing Work Carried out in Bitumen (as Distinct from Tar Compounds)," by Francis Wood, M.Inst.C.E., Borough Engineer, Blackpool.
Tuesday, November 25th, at 11 am.— Paper on-" The Conditions under which the Heavier Types of Vehicles may Use
the Roads; with Special Reference to their Liability for Extraordinary Traffic Damages," by Sydney G. Turner, l3a1 rister-at-La-w, Examiner to the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers.
Tuesday, November 25th, at 2.30 p.m. —Two papers on "The Weight, Con struction and Speed of Mechanically propelled Vehicles in Relation to the Construction and Maintenance of Roads " ; one piper to be read by a manufacturer of such vehicles and the other by a road engineer (Albert E. Brookes, County Surveyor, Durham). Wednesday, November 26th, at 11 a.m. and 2.30 p.m.—Paper on "Provisions for and Development, of Traffic in the Future, with St ecial Reference to (a) the Provision of N*ew Roads, (b) Road Finance, and (c) Provision of New Transport Services," by W. Rees Jeffreys, Deputy-Chairman, Motor Legislation Committee, late Secretary of the Road Board.
It will be seen that in all but two cases, as to which negotiations are in progress, arrangements have been satisfactorily completed for the authorship of the various papers.
The exhibition side of the undertaking promises to he of exceptional interest. That the roads and transport, question is regarded by commercial interests as of great importance may be judged by the very large number of applications from firms for permission to exhibit. •Consequently the main hall will be filled to its capacity, and it may be necessary to organize an overflow section in the Gilbey Hall.
The following is a preliminary list of the concerns who have already taken space ;—
.Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., Allied Machinery Co., Ltd., Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., Anglo-Mexican Petroleum Co., Ltd., W. and F. Archer Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., Aveling and Porter, W. and T. Avery, Ltd.,.Barkipd,
and Perkins' ,
Ltd, Francis Barkes and Co., British Reinforced Concrete Enineering Co., Ltd., K. G. Burford and ., Ltd., Caledon Motors, Ltd., Car and General Insurance Corporation, Ltd., R. S. Clare end Co., Ltd., Clayton and Co.! (Huddersfield), Ltd., Clayton and Shuttleworth, Ltd., Daimler Co., Ltd., Dennis Bros., Ltd., Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., R. A. Dyson and Co., Eagle Engineering Co., Ltd., Eagle, Star and British Dominions Insurance Co., Ltd., Edison Accumulators, Ltd., Emborough Stone Co., Ltd., Flemings, Ltd. Fodens, Ltd., J. Fowler and Co. (Leeds); Ltd., R. Garrett and Sons, Ltd., General Vehicle Co., Ltd., Guy Motors, Ltd., J. and E. Hall, •Ltd., Itadfields, Ltd., Highways Construction, Ltd., Indented Bar and. Concrete Engineering Co., Ltd., Ingersoll Rand Co., Johnston Bros., Lacre Motor Car Co., Ltd., Leyland Motors (1914), Ltd., Limmer end Trinidad Lake Asphalt Co., Ltd., Charles Macintosh and Co., Ltd., H. R. Marsden, Ltd., Mandalay Motor Co., Ltd., C. Mills and Co., North British Rubber Co., Ltd., Patent Lightning Crusher Co., Ltd., Ransome ver Mehr Machinery Co., Ltd., Ransomes, Sims and Jefferiez, Ltd., Robey and Co., Ltd., Rocmac, Ltd., Shell Marketing Co., Ltd., Shrewsbury and Challiner Tyre ale., Ltd., Stotbert and Pitt, Ltd., Straker Squire, Ltd., Tarmac, Ltd., Tasker and Sons, Ltd., John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd:, Tilling Stevens, Ltd., Townmead Construction Co., Ltd., Troughton and Sims, Ltd., Tuke and Bell, Ltd., Walker Bros. (Wigan), Ltd., Walker Weston Co., Ltd., Wallis and Steevens, Ltd., Gordon Watney and Co., Ltd., J. Yates and Co., Ltd., and Yorkshire Commercial Motor Go.
The Association announces that the Minister of Transport, the Rt. Hon, Sir Eric Geddes, G.B.E., K.C.B., M.P., has accepted the Presidency of the Congress and Exhibition, and that Brig.-Gen. Sir Henry Maybucy, K.C.M.G., C.B., Director-General of Roads, and Sir Philip Nash, K.C.M.G., C.B., Director-General of Transportation, have consented to act as Vice-Presidents.
It is anticipated that the attendance at the Congress and Exhibition will be very large, as, although the invitations to local authorities were only issued_ about a month ago, 178 delegates have ,keady been appointed by 99 authorities, comprising 10 county councils, 22 town councils, 32 urban district councils, and 35 rural district councils. In addition, several hundreds of tickets have been applied for by various societies and institutions interested in transport matters.
It may be added that, in view of the prominence of the Housing question, arrangements have been made with the.„1/4, Institution of Municipal and County Engineers for a Housing Conference to be held by them at the Agricultural Hall on Thursday and Friday, November 27th and 28th, while it is hopecPthat a Public Works Exhibition will be held at the Hall during Congress week. Permission has also been given • to the London "'Safety First" Council to hold a conference on the afternoon of Saturday, November 22nd, and the morning of Monday, November 24th, The Association hope and believe that the entire programme will prove of great interest.