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"The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crosser.
The -New Ford Policy.
Those who have noticed and studied the effects of efforts to monopolize the photographic apparatus trade can now 'apply the lesson to the motor agency business. The new Ford agency policy is an effort to " Kodak " the trade. And the ruthlessness with which a big concern can apply a change of selling policy should also make the agent, who is being tempted to put his eggs into one basket, it up and think.
The distribution of Ford cars and vans used to be effected through about 1,200 agents dealing through territorial distributing agents, the latter receiving a sufficient rebate to enable them to make satisfactory arrangements with their subdealers. And -there was no attempt to monopolize the distributing organization thus built up. The new policy of he Ford Co. is to appoint a limited number of agents—about 400—to give %them a small commission, and to restrict them to the sale of Ford -vehicles and suitable ac
c'essorie,s. The "announcement of this policy has raised a' furore : it is contended that a great deal of hardship will be created, that the policy is against the best interests of the trade and the user, and that one phase of the arrangement illegal—the cancellation of orders in hand. Under pressure, the Ford Co. -has given way on this latter, and is evidently -weakening on the whole scheme.
One effect of the change of policy has been to bring the .agents together,raore closely than has ever been thd case, and whilst we are not in agreement with any attempts at boatotting for purely selfish reasons, and trust that the Motor Agents' Union will refrain4frqm such tactics, we certainly think, that cohesion amongst the agents and unity of effort will enable them to secure further amendments of the Ford policy which will be to the advantage of trader and user.
Commercial Cars, Ltd. Registration of the New Company.
Commercial Cars, Ltd., has been registered -with a nominal capital of £250,000 in £1 shares. The objects are to take over, as a going concern, the undertaking, property, assets, and liabilities of Commercial Cars, Ltd. (incorporated in 1905), and to carry on the business of builders of and dealers in all kinds of motorcars, lorries, agricultural tractors, and implements, etc. The minimum subscription upon which the directors may proceed to allotment is seven shares.
The first directors are H. C. B. Underdown, Hon. Wilfred C. W. Egerton, and H. G. Hutchinson.
Service Experience.
Expression is frequently being given to the feeling that the mass of useful information OD the behaviour of motor vehicles on war service, now tucked away in drawers at the War Office, should in some way be released for the benefit of the trade generally. Much of it could be grouped and summarised, so that it can be studied and applied by each maker without the defects of particular chassis being disclosed to competing conoerns
BN that is if there are any "disclosures " which any British maker fears. Major F. M. Bale draws attention to this matter in a contribution -which will be found on page 106 of this issue. It seems to us that the A.B.M.A.M. should approach the War Officelar the issue of this information to th*%.ssociation so that full advantage of the knowledge thus gained can be secured in the designing of future models.
Dangerous Parcels on Buses.
The London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., wish to call the attention of the public to the risk attending the carriage on omnibuses of dangerous goods, such as unprotected cinematograph films, etc., which could easily be set alight accidentally by smokers, etc. Conductors of motor-omnibuses are being warned not to allow unprotected films to be carried, and not to accept as passengers persons who carry dangerous goods.
New Corn mer Car Chassis.
In view cif the fact that deliveries of the new "3P" Commer Car chassis for passenger work commence in March next, our readers will be interested in the remarkable record of an experimental "311 " -chassis which Commercial Cars, Ltd., of Luton, have used as a general • purpose works lorry. This chassis was put into service in-August, 1915, and up to slate has covered a total distance of 30,000 miles,' the total cost for repairs throughout the period being £9 is; 4d. Owing to the nature of its work the vehicle received considerable rough usage, which makes the result all the more striking. In addition to the email cost of the few repairs necessary, it is worth noting that these must have been of so insignificant a nature that there was evidently very little tithe lost by the vehicle being out of commission.
The Industrial League and Council.
The Industrial -Reconstruction Council and the Industrial League, who are amalgamating under the new title of the Industrial League and Council, have arranged a series of fortnightly conferences ' dealing with the working of Whitley. Councils set up in the following industries :—'Road transport, silk, wool and allied textiles, pottery, building and gloves.
The first of these conferences will take place on September 30th, at 6 p.m., in the hall of the Institute of Journalists, when Mr. G. A. Dutfield, JP., and Mr. E. Bevin, J.P., representing respectively employers and workers in road transport, will give short addresses ; the meeting will then be open to public discussion.
At the meeting of the shareholders in Ransoms' and Marks' Bearing Co., Ltd., held at Newark last week, the distribution of a dividend of 15 per cent per annum was approved, the sum required for that purpose being £11,807. It has been agreed to increase the capital of the eompany ace£400,000 by the creation of 200,000 ordinary shares.
Feeding Cippenhani.
Twenty derelict lorries per hour have recently been towed every day from about noon to 6 p.m. through South London on their way to the repair depot at Cippenham the " runable " chassis going out to
in' Kent in the Morning in order to bring the derelicts back. In the opinion of a driver of one of these chassis; interviewed during the proceeding, the job 'Of transferring the derelicts will last from 12 to 18 months. Not only are vehicles being brought from Richborough and Maidatone, but they are even being timed from Southampton, the return journey to which occupies about four days. The driver in question estimated the cost of transfer at £25 per vehicle.
There are many curious features about this transfer. The chassis employed for the transfer of the " ruins " are all new, with new engines and new tyres ; vehicles that are now on the road for the first time. So that the amount of wear and tear Of these vehicles will total to a pretty penny for depreciation. Then again a large proportion of the lorries are transporting Red Cross ambulances, which are not supposed to be Government property. Has Cippenhain undertaken to effect repairs to privately-owned vehicles—for such are the Red Gross motors? Or will they be used to place beside the G.W.R. main line to add to-the impressive sight now visible from passing trains.
Acetylene Gas Storage in Cylinders.
On August 1st a new Order in Council was issued by the-Home Office touching upon the regulations which govern the manufacture and supply of acetylene compressed in cylinders, known as dissolved acetylene.
The Dissolved Acetylene Co., Ltd., formerly known as the Acetylene Equipment Co., Ltd., sole manufacturers of the D.A. system of storage and the largest suppliers of this gas in. Great Britain, have made careful bests and experiments in regard to the question of acetylene cylinders and gas with the object of maintaining their standard of quality and adhering in all respects to the Home Office regulations. Some time ago acting upon Home Office recommendations they commenced the reconstruction Ind retesting of all cylinders with the object of improving their durability. They have now introduced an entirely new form of cylinder made from a steel shell, solid drawn from one piece. This type of -cylinder has previously been obtain. able only in heavy sections, but it is now being produced in a light section which is heavy enough to withstand an hydraulic test pressure of 1;000 lb. per sq. in., which exceeds that specified by the Home Office regulations, i.e., four times the working pressure, the latter being increased under the new Order from 150 to 225 lb. per sq. in.
Mr. T. W. Cumner, who will be remembered by our readers as being connected with White Motors and Accessories, Ltd., before the war, informs us that -after a visit to the States he has been successful in securing the agency for the Barrett and Duff lifting jacks as made by the Duff Manufacturing Co., of Pittsburg.
Char-a-bancs Convictions.
Lancashire police authorities are apparently laying 111i extensive system of traps for road users. Twenty-six drivers of chars-h-banes were recently summoned before the Chester Castle Bench for driving at a speed dangerous to the public. The vehicles were being driven on the Chester-Warringten Road, which is the chief artery to the populous districts of Lancashire. On a three-mile length of road over which the cars were timed there are no fewer than 15 roads converging. The first defendant was fined £10 and £2 costs, 12 drivers of a convoy of 16 chars-a-banns in the employment of the Lancashire United Tramways Co., Ltd., Atherton, Lanes., were each fined £7 and special costs, and in the remaining cases tines of £5 and special costs wereimposed.
Industrial Problems.
Through the courtesy of the Corporation of London, a series of fortnightly lectures on industrial problems win be eelivered at the Guildha.11, at 4.30 p.m., commencing on, October 7th. The speakers will include Mr. E. J. P. Berm, Professor Ripper, D.Sc., C.H., Dr.
Russell Wells, the Rt. Hon. Sir Auckland Geddes, M.P., Sir George Paish, and the Rt. Hon. Lord Emmott, G.C.M.G., G.B.E. Tickets for this series can be had on application to the Secretary, Industrial League and Council, 66, Victoria Street, S.W. 1.
Advertising and Salesmanship.
Mr. R. McKean Cant, F.C.I., advertising manager of the B. F. Goodrich Co., Ltd., will conduct a class in advertising and salesmanship at Queen's Road Senior Commercial Institute, Dalston, London, E. 8, every Tuesday this session, from 7.30 to 9.30 p.m., beginning on Tuesday, the 23rd inst. Intending students may obtain a copy of the prospectus of the Institute either from Mr. Cant or from the principal of the Institute.
New Registrations.
. Lorries, Ltd., with a capital of 210,000 in £1 shares, lia.s been formed to carry on the business indicated by the title. The registered office is. at 40, Convamore Road, Grimsby, and as the subscribers are fish merchants, it is probable that the company contemplates the transport of fish, which should enable the market's to be rapidly cleared and obviate the waste which bee, no doubt, occurred in considerable quantities in the past.
L. R. Knapp and Co., Ltd., with a capital of £10,000 in £1 shares, to take over the business of engineers and agricultural implement manufacturers mentioned in an agreement with T. E. and H. L. Knapp.
Daimler Repairs in Manchester.
Great interest is being aroused in Manchester by the enclosure of a large area of vacant ground on the main road from the city to Cheshire for the purpose of a Daimler repairing depot. This is on the Oxford Road, and stands between Victoria Park and Whitworth Park, a few yards from the Rua] Infirmary. A small army of navvies is at work digging out for the foundations, and the esta,blishment will evidently be the largest of the kind in the city.
American Lorries for India.
A scheme is being formed, in connection with which the sanction of the Government of India has been applied for, to float a company with a capital of 50 la,khs, to provide Calcutta, Howrah and suburbs with a rapid, efficient and up-to-date motorbus service. A service of taxicabs is also being contemplated. A special feature of the motorbus service will be a number of omnibuses de luxe which are to ply between the European residential quarters and Calcutta and the busy shopping centres. Half of the capital required for this ambitious undertaking has already been promised, and arrangements are stated to be in hand with a leading American company to ship 200 chassis immediately, and to send out an expert to organize the service on a sound basis.
Dunfoid arid Elliott (Sheffield), Ltd., tel manufacturers, have opened a branch in London, and Mr. E. St. Clair Duncan, who is their London eepresentative, should now be addressed at 4, Copthall Buildings, Copthall Avenue, E.C. 2.
As a result of an increasing demand for the Sthenos carburetter, which has entailed a larger output a reduction en the advance on catalogue price from 33 per cent. to 10 per cent, has been made by John Claes Devi s and Co., Ltd., 30, Thomas Street, Burdett Road, E.
Personal Pars.
Mr. Gedrge H. Scott, of Wellington, New Zealand, the bead of the Scott Motor Agency, chairman of the Motor Trade Association in the colony, and generally the leader of the trade out there, is returning home via the States at the end of the present week, having been in this country since the middle of July fixing up representations for 1920 onwards. He has had a hard job to get what he wanted, but what is so enormously to his credit is that he has fought real hard .to secure agencies -for British cars and promises of delivery in large enough quantities, whereas he could easily have. secured contracts for American productions, better terms, better service, and larger deliveries. He is fighting, as he has for years fought, to keep the British machine on the market, and the value of his keen advocacy of British products has its effect on the commercial vehicle situation. He has promised to write for this journal an article on the needs of the New Zealand market in commercial vehicles before he returns homewards.
There are many points in connection with design arid specification on which he ca-n impart useful knowledge to the trade.
The retirement of Sir Richard Glazebrook from the directorship of the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, which he has held since Its inception in 1899, draws attention, in a way, to the injustice cf definitely closing a man's usefulness at the age of 65, But perhaps -Sir Richard does not object: certain it is that he hands over the reins of office while in full vigour,. and with many years of useful activity before him. The motor industry owes a great deal to him and to the Laboratory for real help and guidance in the selection of metals and materials for certain work. The resources of the Laboratory have enormously extended under him so much so that it has bow been placed under the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research ; it embraces seven scientific departments with a eecretariat and a staff of over 600 persons. It I-4 of use to industry and commerce in securing accuracy and efficiency in manufacturing methods, and there is a. eeadiness and willingness at the Laboratory to consider and elucidate any problem that may come within the scope of the staff which are pleasant in the extreme to all who seek help there. Professor Petavel succeeds Sir Richard Glazebrook.
Hiring Out 'Tractors.
Agricultural Tractors (United Kingdom), Ltd., has been formed with a capital of £100,000 divided into 95,000 8 per cent, preferred ordinary shares of £1 each and 100,000 ordinary shares of 1s. each. The company proposes to hire out tractors to farmers, and to help them in haulage and road work. The directors and their friends have subscribed for £10,000 of the preferred ordinary shares while the subscription of another £10, is guaranteed by the Alpha Agency, Ltd., at the substantial commission of 12i per cent. 85000 21 shares and 8,500 1s. shares are leing offered for public subscription, and the list will remain open -until to-morrow September 24th.
Destructive Bus Traffic.
At a meeting of the Mitford and Lothingland Urban District Council the s,urveyor reported that the bus traffic of the United Automobile Services, Ltd., on the road from Lowestoft boundary, had worn the surface to a very dilapidated and exhausted condition. The surface material was worn through to the sub-crust. During the .month holes in the road had been filled in with granite and general repairs had been attempted, but he found it useless to compete with the bus traffic in operation. This road required reconstructing. Mr. Rackham, chairman of the Roads Committee, stated that the ex.. traordinarily heavy traffic during the last few weeks had played great havoc with the road. He really thought they ought to have some contribution from the company towards' the upkeep of the road.
Co-operative Transport.
The Lazonby (Northumberland) and the Lewes Co-operative Societies have been considering the adoption of motor traction in connection with the delivery of goods ; buv have decided to postpone the purchase of motor vehicles on account of the present prices.
The Rochdale Provident Cooperative Society has been Isposing of its horses in view of its intention to adope mechanical road transport for delivery purposes. Mr. A. E. Masheden late of the Mechanical Transport Section of the R.A.S.C., has been appointed traffic manager of the Liverpool Co-operative Society. The society has expended just over k 7,000 on motor vehicles for its grocery, bread, and boot-repairing departments.
A 6-ton Atkinson steam lorry and a 3-ton Dennis lorry have been acquired by the Reading Co-operative Society. The cost is being depreciated at the rate of 7i per cent.
Barimar Overseas Progress,
Barimar, Ltd. 10, Poland Street, Oxford Street, Ltd., W. 1, state that they are establishing a chain of scientific welding centres in various parts of the
including ncluding Scandinavia., Australia, France, West Greece' India, and in South and East Africa. 'Phese new overseas establishments will furnish excellent openings for young British engineers and the company inform -us that they already have at their works quite a number of men who are shortly proceeding to these positions abroad.
The first of these companies abroad has been formed, and is entitled La Socik,e Francais Barimar, with a capital of £5,000, to exploit the Barimar scientific welding processes in France, Tunis and Algeria. The factory, at 48, Rue D'Alsace, Clichy (Seine), is under the personal supervision of Mr. Cyril Rose.
Tilling-Stevens at Lincoln.
We understand that Tilling-Stevens, Ltd., of Maidstone, will have available for inspection at Lincoln during the Tractor Trial period their new 4-ton chassis. It has a 45-50 h.p..engine carried on three-point suspension, the final
drive being through gears. A petrolelectric vehicle with tipping gear will also be there.
The City Corporation has appointed Mr. Robert Redwood as the Corporation's consulting adviser under the Petroleum Acts, in succession to Professor. Sir Boverton Redwood, Bt
Local Proceedings.
Richmond T.C. is getting two motor fire-engines.
Harwich T.C. has decided to purchase two electric vehicles.
Ilkley U.D.C. seeks a loan of 21,250 for the purchase of an electric tipping wagon.
Two Foden steam wagons are being purchased by the Milton Regis F.D.C.
A motor wagon is to be purchased by the Hindley U.D.C. at a cost of £800.
Holmfirth U.D.C. is arranging a loan of 21,117 for the purchase of a steam wagon.
Bedford T.C., having decided to get a motor fire-engine, is seeking a loan of of 21,500 for the purpose.
Cambridgeshire C.C. has arranged to • embark on mechanical haulage in connection with main road work.
Dorking R.D.C., which has decided on the purchase of a steam tractor and trailer, has obtained sanction for a loan of £1,500 for the purpose.
The Ministry of Health has Permitted Ruthin R.D.C. to borrow 21,662 for the purchase of a steam tractor and trailer.
Southport T.C., which decided to acquire a motor tipping wagon, has now obtained sanction to borrow 21,311 for the purpose.
Tottenham U.D.C. has obtained sanction to get a loan of £13,825 for the purchase of six electric dust vans and a motor lorry.
Swansea Watch Committee has refused to grant a licence to Mr. S. Gerrana to run a motor char-A-banes for passenger service in the borough.
Soyland D.C. has asked the Halifax Corporation Tramways Committee to start a motorbus service from the tramway terminus to Ripponden.
Glasgow Corporation has asked the electrical engineer to get tenders for the supply of six electric vehicles.
Swansea Corporation Electricity Committee has decided on the purchase of an electric vehicle from Ransome, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., for £1,353, and a Ford van for £207.
Glasgow Corporation has arranged for a working model of the Vierney high-speed railway to be exhibited at the forthcoming housing exhibition.
B.R.T.M.A. Appointments.
The following officers of the Solid Rubber Band Tyre section of the British Rubber Tyre Manufacturers Association, Ltd., have been elected far the year commencing October 1st :—Chairman, Mr. J. Traxler, of Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd. • vice-chairman, M. F. G. Wheeler, of the Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd. ; and honorary technical secretary, Mr. Walter Bond, of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. .
Assisting Laboratory Research.
With a view to .lending every possible assistance to laboratory research and demonstration, Automatic and Electric Furnaces, Ltd., 281-283, Gray's Inn Road, London, W.C., have decided to lend one of their new magnetic sclerameters, complete with samples of different steels having varying heat treatments, to recognized educational authorities upon receipt of an application from principals or senior demonstrators. The apparatus will be on loan for short periods, and. should be in demand by universities and technical schools, where it has aroused much interest.
Aldershot Bus Dispute.
Further litigation is anticipated between the Farnborough Town Council and the Aldershot District Traction Co. The two have failed to agree on the terms of the re-licensing of the latter's buses, and for the present the company's vehicles cannot pick up passengers on the council's roads.
Palladium Progress.
Palladium Autocars, Ltd., of Felshani Road, Putney, S.W. 15, have enormously increased their facilities for heavyvehicle preduction, and intend concentrating a large portion of their increased plant for the .manufacture of the wellknown and successful Palladium 4-ton commercial vehicle. This vehicle will be elaborately standardized to ensuie absolute interchangeability. Very careful attention is being given to spare part, and service arrangements now that it has been possible to resume manufacture. Agencies are being negotiated in many parts of the world, and inquiries, to be sent to the address given above, are invited from agents in any territory where the Palladium commercial vehicle is not, at present represented.