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The McCurd Works.

23rd September 1915
Page 13
Page 13, 23rd September 1915 — The McCurd Works.
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The New Premises at Criekiewood Illustrated.

In continuation of our remarks in the course of the article on the McCord chassis as to the capacity of the new works of the McCurd. Lorry Manufacturing Co., Ltd., at Edgware Road, Cricklewood, we reproduce below a set of illustrations depicting scenes in the various departments of those works.

In the course of a walk through the establishment it may readily be observed that great care has been taken and much thought expended with a view to arranging the different. departments in order to economize so far as possible time and labour, in the distribution and collection of the raw material and finished products. The stores are on the right-hand side as one enters the buildings. Thence the raw material goes ahead directly to the machine shop,

passing back along the left-hand side to the various assembly departments. As may be noted from an examination of the photographs, the erecting shop is divided into departments according to the unit which is there assembled. One of our pictures shows the rear-axle assembly shop. Close by is situated the gearbox assembly room, and a little further on one comes to the benches on which the engines are erected. In another and separate department are found the body fitting and painting shops.

A feature of the machine shop is the preponderance of new and naturally, up-to-date machines. We noticed in particular one of the newest Fellows noted gearshapers at work. A well-equipped broach. ing machine is also installed.