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Joint Conference Urges Need • for Speed

23rd June 1944, Page 19
23rd June 1944
Page 19
Page 19, 23rd June 1944 — Joint Conference Urges Need • for Speed
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AT a meeting of the Road Transport Organization Joint Conference, held on June 14 under the chairmanship of Lord Perry, progress towards the implementation of its plans was reported. It has all along been realized that the unification of seven bodies involved difficulties calling for much tact, and it is appreciated that all concerned are entitled to be satisfied that their legitimate rights will be fully safeguarded. A.t the same time, the urgency is equally pressing. Discussions with the Government upon post-war plans concerning the future of the industry must be initiated quickly if they are to be of any avail:

An important point Which requires clarification is the relationship between the Federation and the 'three assoeiations. The Conference wishes to make it quite clear that the latter will be completely independent and autoriomous, but will utilize the Federation to present a united front to the outside World. The Federation will, in fact, act for either one association or jointly for more. No question can arise of the Federation taking any action contrary to the wishes of any one of its constituent bodies. Action will not depend upon a majority vote of the Federation governing body, but will be decided solely by the associations affected by the action proposed.

Apart from the presentation of a united front externally, the whole principle underlying the set-up internally is to secure the greatest possible economy by means of common services. For instance, one publicity department, acting on behalf of and upon instructions of the three associations, can clearly attain a greater measure of efficiency at less expense than would he the case if each association had its own department. Siriiiiarly, Parliamentary work Will be more effective and economical.

The expenditure of the Federation will (subject to both a minimum and inaximum) be defrayed by the three associations in proportion to the services they received.

The Federation will not dictate policy to the associations; on the contrary, it will give effect• to the policy of these, in to far as they are in agreement.

The difficulties of the N,A.F.W.R. and of certain localassociations of the N.R.T.E.F. are receiving .attention. The freedom of each operator—his scope for exercising his initiative and enterprise—indeed, his very existence as an operator—may well depend Upon the power of a united industry. The Conference, therefore, urges all concerned to put, the interests of the industry first and to exert every effort try achieve unity with all PoSsible speed.