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EU plans to give workers the right to consultation

23rd July 1998, Page 9
23rd July 1998
Page 9
Page 9, 23rd July 1998 — EU plans to give workers the right to consultation
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• The European Commission is pushing ahead with plans for a directive to force employers to consult staff over redundancies, sell-offs and company reorganisations.

EC Employment Commissioner Padraig Flynn has drawn up draft proposals under which companies with as few as 20 staff would have to consult workers over decisions likely to affect them. Employees could have a say in whether firms can merge with others, close sites and cut staff.

However, a Department of Trade & Industry spokesman says the UK Government is likely to oppose F:U legislation on the grounds that there would be no need to impose it unless the company worked in more than one country.