French seizure costs £15,000
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• A Dorset haulier lost £15,000 in earnings after the French Ministry of Transport wrongly impounded his truck for two months in Bordeaux for failing to have a speed limiter. Kelvin Holloway of Poolebased Kelvin Holloway Transport says the B-reg Scania was seized after a routine check on 30 April. The company was fined FFr5,000 (£520) and faced a bill for preparing the truck for a French annual test and a new limiter, Holloway refused to pay and faxed the Ministry copies of his truck's test certificate and UK registration document. On 16 June he sent details of the truck's first ownership to prove it did not need a limiter. By then the fine had been reduced to FFr900 francs (£95) with no new test.
On 29 June one of Holloway's drivers went to Bordeaux, where he was told he could take the truck away free of charge.