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23rd July 1998, Page 8
23rd July 1998
Page 8
Page 8, 23rd July 1998 — CONTRACTS
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Ho:. £1.7m, three-year contract with IC for the distribution of water-treatment chemicals.

• Tibbett & Britten has signed a five-year, £13m logistics contract with food manufacturers Premier

Horzon' Biscuits. It has also taken over the . 145 staff and 52 vehicles of TNT Premier Distribution.

• TDC, Harr:, has won a £14m, six-year warehousing and JIT distribution contract with kr-IN. , which makes food seasonings and flavourings. It is devoting 11 new vehicles to the contract.

• Remould tyre manufacturer Bancivul. has signed a 2500,000-a-year contract to supply United Carriers.

• LEP Inte• • • anal has won a contract with T Autocolor for the movement of paints from Suffolk across Europe and into the former Soviet bloc. Its Italian subsidiary LEP Albarelli has won a threeyear warehousing deal with wine producer Balla.

• Scania Vehicle :lement now has 10,000 contract maintenance agreements in operation.

• Emery Worldwi: provided transport for New 'r ork City's Convention & Visitors' Bureau tour of Europe, including a 10ft ceramic Statue of Liberty.