No radio
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T am very disappointed I did
not receive the world receiver radio offer as advertised recently, as I sent out the third voucher the same morning that I received the magazine.
Sometimes we don't get Commercial Motor until Friday, and on one occasion we did not receive it at all and had to contact your office the following week.
But I understood everyone who sent out three coupons would qualify for the radio, and I acted as quickly as possible.
K Dooley, Northolt.
Commercial Motor had 700 eight-band world receiver radios to give away in its Big June Give Away for the senders of the first 700 completed entries However, as stated in the competition's terms and conditions: "any vouchers received after the first 700 radios have been despatched will be entered into the prize draw for the Vauxhall Frontera only". CM received 806 completed applications on the day immediately following publication of the third voucher A draw therefore decided the recipients of the radios Readers who sent their vouchers in immediately therefore had an 87% chance of getting one of the radios By the close of the voucher collection scheme a total of 1,939 vouchers had been received All entries were put into the prize draw to be held in December 1998 for a Vauxhall Frontera Sport, so good luckāEd.