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Overloads cost £1,030

23rd July 1998, Page 19
23rd July 1998
Page 19
Page 19, 23rd July 1998 — Overloads cost £1,030
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Erdington

based Viajay Sharma has to pay £1,030 after being convicted of two overloading offences by Stourbridge magistrates. He had denied overloading the first axle of a 7.5-tanner by 24.8% and exceeding the permitted gross weight by 22.76%.

Traffic examiner Malcolm Seward said the vehicle, loaded with leather garments on rails, had to be re-weighed twice after

it had travelled too fast over the weighbeam.

Denying the vehicle had been weighed twice, Sharma maintained the first reading on the till roll related to a police Range Rover. He maintained the traffic examiner had not walked alongside to ensure the vehicle went over the weighbeam at tick-over speed.

Defending, Tony Ostrin said it was possible the garments had swung to the front as the front axle went over the weighbeam and then to the rear. That, and Sharma's evidence of the failure of the traffic examiner to comply with the Code of Practice, meant it was impossible to be sure that the weights recorded were accurate.

The magistrates found the case proved. They fined Sharma £630 with £400 costs.