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That a:bus has a thin.end.• Which?
Mucli of the wily sixpence in taxi circles.
That several people are" banging" it.
That many. say even ninepenee isimpossible.
Many concrete facts about road surfaces. , That the pneumatic is safer besides being softer. That a Renault Pullman has crossed the Sahara, That fare, *ear and tare always interest hauliers and carriers.
That in some eireuniStances a chairman may raid a luncheon. '
That both sauce and temper may be bottled with
That a man has not enough. wind to put in iieh into a giant pneumatic. ". • 0. •
That one can get the form of a bus at a glance more ca;ily than that of a ear.
That eyes are more important than ears to the driver, rwil sense more important still.
That WInston's line of approach has becn—".I•wish, I hope, T. think, I believe, I know."
That the Chancellor means to ward off any deputa7 tions which he feels are superfluous.
That some at least of the pdwers that be now consider a petrol tax could be worked.
That the 'public do not realize that they would pay for higher commercial vehicle taxes.
A hint to the railways : "Take care of the rails and the roads will take care of themselves."
That sonic 'African rciads, like some African mines, are little more than holes in the ground,
, Of fewer and fewer parts of the country where they nave yetto re-learn the value of money.
Of some questionsin Parliament which make one wonder whether their authors ever travel by road.
• .
That the other "No,. 1" is unlikely to be reproduced
for the very good reason that there really wasn't one.
That duality of distribution from the Road Fund may become another instance of the inevitability of gradual ness. 0
That the power behind the Road Fund is the strength ,of the varied private and public interests which give effeet to its benefits.
That Mr. Sltrapnell-Smith withdrew his name some four weeks ago from the proposed board of the proposed Irish General Omnibus Co.
That too few owners realiZe that the standard annual subscription to the Commercial Motor Users Association is no more than the usual pay of one driver for three or four .days.' That every gear dog has its day. Somebody objecting to tests on the road.
That he could possibly suggest an alternative..
That a trembler has a very up-and-down life.
That a short circuit may make it a long way home.
That some public bodies object to swallowing hard tram facts.
That the only lines of thought are often tram ones.
That a hub-odometer journal is quite different from a hebdomadal one.
That someone lecentli .saw dust on a road somewhere in England.
That lifting a valve spring with a screwdriver would make a parson swear.
That a two-inch camber for a twenty-foot road is hopelessly inadequate.
That such a road soon falls into the depravity of conea vity.
, That trams are regarded as being more important than transport efficiency in London.
That it must be nice to legislate against one's.rivals.
Nothing about the public choice in the tram controversy.
Someone asking it the man Who, single-handed, controls a Lioness ought not to be called the "tamer."
A hint -to hauliers when reckoning operating costs— Recollect your rates, for the rate. collectorwon't forget you.
That the popularity, of horse shows • is being considerably affected by the increasing use of motor vehicles.
Many, business concerns envying the London tramways tp.eir luck in having their competitors suppressed as soon as times are bad.
That the Plymouth Co-operative Society had a "mmover ". in its motor coach passenger department of f1,596 in the last 13 weeks 01925.
Complaints from. disheartened country road-men, who get blamed for not keeping the,surface in repair, wheh the fault lies in the foundations and build of the road.
That one ton (about eight wheelbarrow loads) of tarred chippings is scarcely a generous allowance for patching a three-Mile stretch of road. which bears a lot of heavy trathe.