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One of the most complete spare part lists we ever remember to have seen is that recently prepared by Commercial Cars, Ltd., of Biscot Road, Luton. This list. deals only with that type of chassis styled IC., for net loads of 31 tons, and of which the WI). has height large numbers for war service.
Many civilian-owned lorries of the same type were a43 impressed at the commencement of the war. As it is a model which has been in the Commerear list for many years, it stands to reason that occasional alterations in design and construction, called forth by increasing experience and widening seope of commercial use, are expedient. This, of course, has resulted, to some extent, in a multiplication of spares. Consequently, when the stress and strain of active service, to say nothing of gunfire. residtpd in need of spare parts quickly, it was at times a matter of difficulty to deliver these and at the same time ensure that the correct article, was supplied: Our readers will agree that there was some ekeuse for this when we point out that the consecutive numbers for this chassis range from 273 to 3002 inclusive.
The company therefore set about the task of eliminating the doubt so often felt, as to whether the correct spare was being sent, and by the sameprocess considerably simplified the task of the 0.0. a column of mixed Commercars of 31: tons rating; The list consists of 44 pages and 17 plates, and opens with very specific and carefully-worded instructions for its use, illustrated by one or two concrete ex
amples. The remainder of the 44 pages is occupied by a priced list of the parts, and each of the plates is a drawing of a portion of a chassis..