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How many more times?

22nd June 1979, Page 47
22nd June 1979
Page 47
Page 47, 22nd June 1979 — How many more times?
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

AN ADVERTISEMENT in CM, May 25, for the Leyland VOR Express Parts Service, claims that if you contact your local distributor early in the day, and provided he orders before 11am, he will have the part the next day.

Our distributor placed an order on May 2 so we should have had the part by May 5. It is now May 26 and we have not had sight of the spare part. We have phoned the distributor from day to day, and they have been in touch with Leyland, but without a successful answer. I am a one-man business, and I have just about lost all my business. Have you any advice to give on how to get the part?

M. NEESOM, Harrogate, North Yorks.

LV has been advised of this complaint, and, we are assured Mr Neesom now has the spare. — Editor