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Work on coal to go on

22nd June 1979, Page 25
22nd June 1979
Page 25
Page 25, 22nd June 1979 — Work on coal to go on
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'HE GOVERNMENT will continue to support the design idles for pilot plants to make transport fuels and chemical edstocks from coal", said Parliamentary Under Secretary for tergy John Moore.

Speaking during a visit to e National Coal Board's coal search establishment at oke Orchard, near Cheltenim, where much of the early Drk on using coal to make !trot and chemical feedocks has been done, Mr oore said: "Using coal to ake petrol and raw material r the chemical industry is by ) means the wishful thinking 'scientific back-room boys. "It has been a technological ,ality for some time; it could .come an economic reality in le future. In the longer term, )al is likely to become even ore important as oil and gas ipplies dwindle and prices se. "Britain is a world leader in the technologies of converting coal to liquid and gaseous fuels. This work could provide the coal industry and the process engineering industry with substantial markets in later years.

"The Government will have to consider a number of important issues relating to the coal industry over the next weeks and months. As the Department of Energy Minister particularly concerned with coal and with energy research, I intend to see that this consideration is based on a thorough knowledge and understanding of the industry."