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Jam system to spread

21st November 1996
Page 7
Page 7, 21st November 1996 — Jam system to spread
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• The Government is considering transferring the traffic congestion information system, currently managed by the police, to the private sector.

The idea is outlined in the Department of Transport's consultation paper, Regional Traffic Control Centres: Meeting the Traffic Management Challenge. It is one of the proposals designed to tackle congestion; other plans include a network of traffic delay warning signs.

Labour MP Gywneth Dun woody attacked the plans as privatising parts of the police force by the back door.

The RTCCs, which the Government wants to fund as a Private Finance Initiative project, would monitor traffic flow and conditions over wide areas on motorways and trunk roads.

Drivers would be given information via thousands of sensors about congestion hot spots, roadworks, weather conditions and alternative routes.

Drivers and operators could also access information held by RTCCs via the Internet, phone and teletext.