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Driver phoned as his brakes failed

21st November 1996
Page 23
Page 23, 21st November 1996 — Driver phoned as his brakes failed
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by David Jeffels • A truck driver tried to give emergency advice by mobile phone to a panicking colleague after his brakes failed on a steep hill, an inquest heard.

North Yorkshire coroner Michael Oakley recorded a verdict of accidental death on LGV driver Shaun David Whitehouse of Carlow Street, Middlesbrough, who died in hospital from multiple injuries soon after the crash on Blue Bank Hill in Sleights, near Whitby.

Andrew Cooper, a driver employed by the same company as Whitehouse, told the inquest at Nortonon-Derwent, North Yorkshire that the two men had spoken on their mobile phones before the accident. Whitehouse had rung him saying he thought his brakes were failing but the call cut out.

In a second call Whitehouse said he believed the air line which activated the brakes was faulty. Cooper added: "He started getting panicky and asked what he should do. I told him to try the dead man's brake and he threw the phone on the dashboard." Whitehouse' s final message to Cooper was that his brake was not working.

PC Timothy Alderson said Whitehouse was hauling a tanker of waste oil and water. He added that the vehicle's brake drums were still hot 90 minutes later in spite of being cooled by firefighters.

Alderson said he believed the brakes failed because there was no reserve of compressed air in the system.

Whitehouse would not have been able to get into the escape lane on Blue Bank, he told the inquest, because of his speed and position on the road.

1-1 There have been a number of run

away truck accidents on Blue Bank; local councillors have been pressing for improved signs on the hill, which is used extensively by trucks travelling between Teesside and North Yorkshire.