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Tailored semi steering

21st November 1996, Page 130
21st November 1996
Page 130
Page 130, 21st November 1996 — Tailored semi steering
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Following eight years' production of its hydraulically powered steering system, Hosta (Netherlands) has introduced a comprehensive, fully modular range of hydraulically and mechanically powered systems for semi-trailers.

Available in the UK only From IMS, the new modules can meet operators' specific trailer steering needs using computer-aided optimisation of modules, axle positions, load configuration and turning circles in accordance with relevant legislative requirements.

The standard range

Hosta system offers hydraulic forced-axle steering for up to four steered axles; hydraulic turntable steering for up to three steered axles; and mechanical turntable steering for up to three steered axles. Systems for more than four axles can be custom-built.

Low maintenance costs are a feature of these Hosta products and fine tolerance production methods ensure a long working life, says the maker.