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Lifetime driving bans proposed

21st November 1996, Page 121
21st November 1996
Page 121
Page 121, 21st November 1996 — Lifetime driving bans proposed
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Truck drivers could be banned from driving for life if they are convicted of any kind of criminal offence under new court powers proposed by home office minister David Maclean.

He wants all magistrates and Crown courts to have the power to use lifetime driving bans as a cheap alternative to expensive penalties such as prison.

The proposals were added to the Crime (Sentences) Bill as it passed committee stage.

"Taking away the freedom to drive is already a heavy penalty for various traffic and other offences," he says. "Extending this power to deprive many criminals of their driving licences will be an additional and powerful tool."

But drivers' action groups claim it would victimise anyone who drives for their livelihood and plan to fight it all the way.

URTU spokesman Douglas Curtis says: "If you lost your vocational licence it would probably not help meet any other sentence, like a fine. Why single out lorry drivers?"