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OTTISH milk haulage firms ,posing the proposed ending their contracts by the ScotM Milk Marketing Board have st their complaint to the Comittee of Investigation.
The Committee has ruled that e SMMB is not acting against Jblic interest by such terminaNl.
The decision follows an invesjation into complaints from W. id J. Duncan of•Beith, A. McC ick of West Kilbride and J. H. ratson and Son of Irvine that e Board was acting against .iblic interest in seeking to ex3nd its own handling of milk 3ulage.
In June last year the Board incated plans to increase the Plume handled by its own fleet, 40 per cent of the total, leavg 60 per cent to be handled by pntract hauliers.
It proposed to pay compensaan where appropriate to firms sing long term milk haulage ork. RHA said at that time that ss of this traffic would be a )rious blow to hauliers in the rea and the three firms volved appealed to the Scot;h Secretary who set up an ,vestigation in September.