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More than a pretty bus

21st May 1971, Page 32
21st May 1971
Page 32
Page 32, 21st May 1971 — More than a pretty bus
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Recommendations for improving the famous no. 11 bus route in London, which takes in the swinging King's Road, Chelsea, and on which another colourful bus is currently Working (painted yellow and advertising the Post Office Yellow Pages), have been approved by the GLC's environmental planning committee. The suggestions follow a study by Brian Colquhoun and Partners, consulting engineers, of four miles of the route (Wandon Road, Kensington to Victoria Street, Westminster) commissioned by the council, and form the basis for consideration of detailed proposals by the Borough Councils.

The consultants suggest: Ll A contra-flow bus lane in Buckingham Palace Road and two alternative contraflow lanes in the same area.

171 A with-the-flow bus lane in Lower Sloane Street.

O Closure of some roads to vehicular traffic from King's Road.

O Loading restrictions, with guard railing in some sections of King's Road.

O Carriageway widening of some sections of King's Road.

O Removal of some parking meters in King's Road.

o Resiting of a bus stop in the same road.

El Walpole Street to be one-way for southbound traffic.

0 Metered parking in Anderson Street to be prohibited.

Resiting of pedestrian crossing in King's Road.

The consultants say the proposals will significantly assist the operation of no. 11 buses in the area.

London Transport is itself introducing measures to improve the flow of no. 11 buses. Marconi bus location and control equipment is to be installed so that the exact position of every bus on the service can immediately be determined. If successful, this measure will be extended to other routes in due course.