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Anglo/ Czech permits agreed

21st May 1971, Page 27
21st May 1971
Page 27
Page 27, 21st May 1971 — Anglo/ Czech permits agreed
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• The bilateral road transport agreement between the UK and Czechoslovakia, signed last November, will come into force on June 5.

Under the Agreement road haulage permits are required but there is no quota restriction. Unaccompanied trailers or semitrailers and certain defined specialized traffics are exempt from permit requirements. Third-country traffic requires special permission.

A memorandum RTG/OUT/015 for UK operators giving further details, including a list of the exempt traffic, may be obtained free of charge from the Department of the Environment, Road Transport (Goods) Division, St Christopher House, Southwark Street, London SE 1.

Permit forms may be obtained from the Northern Traffic Area, Low Friar House, 36/42 Low Friar Street, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 5XR, Telephone Newcastle upon Tyne 610031, Telex 53351.

The Agreement also provides that certain passenger tourist services from one country to or through the other shall be freed from the need to be licensed under the licensing system of the other country. These services are those which are already freely admitted to Great Britain under general licensing legislation.