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More yellow markers

21st May 1971, Page 26
21st May 1971
Page 26
Page 26, 21st May 1971 — More yellow markers
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• An experiment was started last Monda at 25 junctions within the Greater Londo; area to keep them clear of stationar vehicles. During the experiment vehicles an not allowed to wait, load or unload or Act] to pick up or set down passengers at an: time at the junction approaches withou police permission.

Seven out of every 10 road accidents tha cause death or injury happen at junctionE says the Joint Traffic Executive for Greate London, and many are caused becaus stationary vehicles interfere withothe view drivers or pedestrians.

The area to be kept clear is marked by. ; line of 18in. long yellow triangles set in th carriageway across each approach road ani pointing toward the junction. Initially ther will be police signs explaining th restrictions.

Forth Bridge vouchers • Vouchers for regular users of th Forth Road Bridge are being introduced b the Forth Road Bridge Joint Board and Royal Bank of Scotland in booklets of 40 a £6 for light vehicles and cars and at £20 fo heavier vehicles.