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Sowerby weight limit plan

21st March 1996, Page 8
21st March 1996
Page 8
Page 8, 21st March 1996 — Sowerby weight limit plan
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Stretches of road where the Fewston Transport lorry disaster took place are set for a 7.5-tonne limit.

The restrictions would apply to the southern section of the A58, five miles from Sowerby Bridge, and the stretch of A672 that links Ripponden with junction 22 of the M62. The decision was made following evidence that long-distance lorries were using the A58 to cut through the town of Calderdale.

A permit system would allow local hauliers and deliveries into the area.

Martin Brockie, assistant director for Calderdale Council's highways division says while a weight resiriction wouldn't have prevented the Fewston disaster at Sowerby Bridge it had been a consideration in making the proposal. "Sowerby Bridge highlighted problems with lorry traffic in that area generally and there have been a worrying number of runaway vehicles."

The FTA, RHA and local hauliers are to be consulted over the proposal.