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Coll for 'control fare' to stop evasion

21st June 1974, Page 22
21st June 1974
Page 22
Page 22, 21st June 1974 — Coll for 'control fare' to stop evasion
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

A CALL for a control fare — a fixed price penalty for a passenger caught travelling without a valid ticket — was made by Mr Bob Bailey, chairman of the Public Road Transport Association, last week. He was speaking at the PRTA's last conference which was 'held in Scarborough (report page 18).

Mr Bailey said that it was difficult to persuade local magistrates of the importance of fare collection offences involving only 3 or

4p. The control fare, whiclwas normal on the Continent would deter thosE passengers more effectively.

Mr Bailey pointed out tha. although the conference wa: the last the Associatior would hold before the nev) Confederation of British Roac Passenger Transport camE into being, the PRTA woulc continue to function for SOME time. The last majoi gathering of membershir would be at its annual dinnei on November 14.