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P100 turbo blows in • The first turbocharged conversion of

21st July 1988, Page 10
21st July 1988
Page 10
Page 10, 21st July 1988 — P100 turbo blows in • The first turbocharged conversion of
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a petrol-engined Ford P100 pickup was shown at last week's Kent County Show. The conversion, by Tur bo Technics (Northampton) uses a Garrett T3 turbocharge with an integral waste-gate pressure control.

The Kent Show exhibit, for a local property development group, also featured the RS body kit.

Also at the show was a num her of F-plated vehicles including two Scanias (pictured below). The 143M tractor is for Dover-based Laser and the 93M will join Hammonds' fleet at Milton Regis.

The first of a new order for 10 similar vehicles to join the large Mercedes-Benz fleet already operated by a Tonbridge frozen foods distributor, included a 609D-based unit shown with Italian-built Koehler multi-compartment refrigerated bodywork.