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How Avon Tyres are Made

21st July 1931, Page 60
21st July 1931
Page 60
Page 60, 21st July 1931 — How Avon Tyres are Made
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co. a recent visit to the Avon tyre factory at Melksham,

• IL/Wiltshire, we saw pneumatic tyres for commercial vehicles being built in all sizes up to a giant of 9-in. section and 42-in. diameter. An entirely new shop for tyre building has recently been put into commission and the machinery is of the latest type, planned in co-operation with Seiberling engineers.

Giant pneumatic-tyre covers are, of course, 'bunt to shape, layer by layer, on a collapsible steel core. A considerable degree of skill is called for and at various stages the work of the operator is checked by an inspector.

The beads are soon added, these being made of braided wire, which is previously wrapped with fabric, in a separate department, and provided with a heavy canvas " flipper," Which anchors it into the wall of the tyre. Finally, the Chafer strips, breaker strip, tread and side walls are built on to the embryo cover, which is then removed for vulcanizing.

A tyre fresh from the building machine forms a striking contrast" with the nnished product which comes out of the mould an hour or so later. The combined effects of steam heat and the internal pressure created by an air bag force the cover to take up the shape and imprint of the steel

mould which surrounds it. The process is, of course, allowed to continue until vulcanizing is complete. Finally, the tyre is once again inspected, is spray painted and has a rim flap added before being wrapped and dispatched to the stores.

Solid tyres are also made at the Melkoharo factory, along with many other prodncts, such as jointing washers, rubber flooring, etc. There are now 10 adequately equipped service depots throughout the country for the distribution of Avon products.'