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Schlegel (U.K.), Ring Road, Seacroft, Leeds LS14 1LY.

21st January 1988, Page 100
21st January 1988
Page 100
Page 100, 21st January 1988 — Schlegel (U.K.), Ring Road, Seacroft, Leeds LS14 1LY.
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Phone: (0532) 734891 Schlegel UK, the originator of the Cats Whisker spray suppression system, markets a variety of standard kits for fitting to mudwings on both steered and non-steered axles.

The system comprises bristle filaments fitted as valances to the outer or both sides of curved or fabricated wings and, on some models, to the front edge too. At the rear a spray-reducing brush can be fitted to the wing or to a short mud flap.

A range of standard kits is available to suit different types of equipment and virtually all makes of CV: kits can also be custom made to customers' requirements. The latest Schlegel system is the Clip-Fix, which uses clips to retain the filament on the edge of the wing. This design will fit mudguards of any radius, is claimed to be simple to install and is light in weight.