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Cardiff Reader Wins Prize T HIS week's prizewinner is Mr. R.

21st August 1964, Page 44
21st August 1964
Page 44
Page 44, 21st August 1964 — Cardiff Reader Wins Prize T HIS week's prizewinner is Mr. R.
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

C. Babbage, of Llanithen, Cardiff. He says that on the B.M.C. 7-ton chassis the hydraulic fluid reservoir is fitted to the master cylinder directly above it, which makes checking and filling an awkward job.

Because it is under the driver's seat the only access is from the rear of the seat— which leaves very little room. For this reason checking for a leak is often neglected.

If the reservoir is removed from under the seat it can be repositioned on to the back of the cab behind the seat, where there is plenty of room. It should be reconnected to the master cylinder by a suitable length of good quality hose. This changes servicing to a routine job instead of being put off—with the possibility of fatal results.