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Sugarich to order three Oldbury hook-lift trailers

21st April 2011, Page 7
21st April 2011
Page 7
Page 7, 21st April 2011 — Sugarich to order three Oldbury hook-lift trailers
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SUGARICH ANNOUNCED at the CV Show that it is ordering another three tri-axle hook-lift trailers from specialist manufacturer Oldbury.

The company, which converts surplus food products such as bread dough into animal feed, will take delivery of the trailers in May and June. Of these, two will be based at the Sugarich facility in Brack ley, Northants, while the other will be stationed at its site in Knowsley, Merseyside.

Procurement director Paul Featherstone said: “As costs increase, it is important to run in better and smarter ways. We’ve found a partner who is willing to cater for our needs. Oldbury makes sturdy, well-built trailers and we’ve got a bit of kit that works well.”