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21st April 2011, Page 43
21st April 2011
Page 43
Page 43, 21st April 2011 — EXTRA TIPS
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It is also highly advisable to

remove your name, address, telephone number and company logo. The use of vinyl sign-writing makes this far easier than it used to be, and the auction can arrange for it to be done as well as providing a valeting service and carrying out any necessary repairs. Liveried vehicles have been used in the commission of crimes. A few years ago a van sold in the livery of a widely respected public body that was subsequently used as cover by a gang of poachers. Far worse things can happen, of course. The last thing you want is to have something you recently disposed of play centre stage in a terrorist outrage and highlighted on TV news bulletins with your firm’s identity plastered all over it. Refuse to remove your details, and the auction may ask you to sign an agreement that indemnifies them against any of the potentially unpleasant consequences.