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Guy Big J4T

21st April 2011, Page 29
21st April 2011
Page 29
Page 29, 21st April 2011 — Guy Big J4T
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Said to be the biggest selling UK top-weight tractor unit of the 1970s, the Big J4T (J for Jaguar, which owned Guy; and T for trunker) epitomised the worst of bloated, benighted British Leyland.

Wolverhampton’s revenge on the world usually had a Fuller, Rockwell driveline, but the engine might be from Perkins, Gardner, Leyland, Rolls Royce or Cummins, the latter’s V6 raising the dog kennel even higher.

A deeply horrible Motor Panels cab, shared with Seddon and Foden, offered the Guy’s unfortunate driver nowhere to store stuff, nowhere to sleep and was no comparison to his mate’s Volvo F6. Once sales to nationalised fleets (BRS, the Post Office etc) declined, Big Js – designed to be endured not enjoyed, purchased only by people who didn’t drive them – mercifully ceased production in 1979. Dave Young (former Truck & Driver editor and freelance journalist)