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O-licence revoked for bad maintenance records

21st April 2011, Page 12
21st April 2011
Page 12
Page 12, 21st April 2011 — O-licence revoked for bad maintenance records
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

By Roger Brown

ESSEX HAULIER Deon Freight has had its O-licence revoked after failing to provide satisfactory evidence of maintenance records since its last public inquiry (PI) in January.

At a PI in Cambridge on Friday (15 April), Eastern Area Deputy Trafic Commissioner (DTC) Miles Dorrington also found that Deon Freight transport manager Scott Sumpter had lost his repute.

He told Sumpter: “I don’t think you’re a rogue, I think you bit off more than you could chew and didn’t seek help quickly enough. You couldn’t get the basics right over a long period of time, and you’ve not presented any evidence you’ve got it right.” Following the earlier PI, Paul Wiggins, VOSA vehicle examiner, was asked to examine additional maintenance records produced by the irm, which was authorised for two vehicles. Wiggins discovered that on several preventative maintenance sheets, correction luid had been brushed over the names of other companies, and the name Deon Freight written in.

The other irms were related businesses Riverside Freight – wound up in November last year – and Bulk Logistics.

On several sheets, the roadworthiness declaration was not signed, and for one vehicle, the six-weekly inspections had not been adhered to.

Sumpter told the PI he would leave no stone unturned to get things right, if Deon Freight was allowed to continue.

“The whole process has shown deiciencies. I was not doing the right things with my time before – I needed further training,” he added.

The DTC said the revocation of the Deon Freight licence would take effect from 15 July.