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'Horrendous' time for bomb truck haulier

20th June 1996, Page 6
20th June 1996
Page 6
Page 6, 20th June 1996 — 'Horrendous' time for bomb truck haulier
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• The last operator of the truck involved in the Manchester bombing has described his experience as "horrendous".

Josh Bates, proprietor of Coast to Coast Transport, says he would "pity any other haulier who finds himself in this kind of situation".

"Ifs been horrendous with the press hounding me constantly and stopping my business," says Bates. "We just want to get back to normal. I would advise any haulier to clear any sign-writing off their vehicle before they sell it so noone can track you."

Bates, who operates six vehi cies out of Great Blakenham near Ipswich, recently took over the operation of both the trucks and depot from Jack Roberts Transport.

The Ford Cargo involved in the weekend blast was owned by Roberts and operated by Coast to Coast before its sale to a man who unwittingly sold it to terrorists. The truck carried the Jack Roberts logo.

• The police are appealing to anyone who may have seen the truck travelling from Peterborough to Manchester between last Friday afternoon and Saturday morning to contact them on freephone number 0800 789321.