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£8m boost for railhead roads

20th January 1994
Page 10
Page 10, 20th January 1994 — £8m boost for railhead roads
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III An .E8m road improvement package has been agreed to serve the privately operated Daventry International Rail Freight Terminal (DIRFT) proposed for Northamptonshire.

Work on the £140m terminal should start by the end of the year with the first train operating by November next year.

DIRFT will be built alongside the electrified West Coast freight line, adjacent to junction 18 on the MI a few miles south of the M1 and M6 intersection. In addition to the rail port, there are plans for 200,000m2 of distribution and manufacturing floorspace.

A spokesman for developer Abbcott Estates says a large number of companies are showing interest in the scheme including manufacturers, import/export houses and distributors.

The terminal will mop up overspill from British Rail's freight terminal in Landore Street, Birmingham, which is expected to reach capacity next year.