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New Steel Piston Ring Designed for Efficiency

20th January 1939
Page 49
Page 49, 20th January 1939 — New Steel Piston Ring Designed for Efficiency
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The "Steel-Tile" Ring Devised Expressly for Rejuvenating Engines with Worn Cylinders G OOD reports reach us of a new steel composite piston It is named the Steel-Tite, and is a product of the Steel-Tite Piston Ring Co., Ltd., Cardiff, but inquiries should be addressed to the sole concessionnaires, Messrs, A. E. Allsopp, 107a, Llanishen Street, Cardiff.

An accompanying drawing shows the construction of the ring, and it will be noticed that it comprises three circular parts, two plain rings and one corrugated intermediate ring Each part is made of manganese steel. An outstanding feature is that pressure is exerted by the complete ring, when in position, both radially and axially. Accordingly, besides bearing on the cylinder walls, it is always tight

in its groove even if this be worn. .

By reason of its construction, the Steel-Tite ring is claimed to have exceptional oil scraping and draining pro perties, to offer low frictional resistance and to afford an excellent gas seal.

Sets of these rings are available in cartons for Forclsons and Bedfords. They can be assembled on the pistons without any alteration to the latter. We understand that a guarantee is made to substantiate the claim that the SteelTite ring is a positive cure for heavy oil consumption, piston-slap and loss of compression. Rings are available in On., 5-32-in. and Tavin. widths for bores up to 5 ins., and they cOst complete from 2s. 6d. to 6s. 6d.