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k peasant is lot pleasant

20th February 1982
Page 43
Page 43, 20th February 1982 — k peasant is lot pleasant
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,GRICULTURE in France aems to breed unbridled ggression. Nearly a year ago easants were setting fire to panish lorries entering with roduce to be sold at much )wer than EEC prices.

They also exploded the wth of Gallic chivalry when ley mobbed Mme Edith resson, Minister of ,griculture, on a recent visit ) Normandy. She had to be ascued by helicoptor from a orner of a muddy farmyard. PROOF that the Institute of Physical Distribution Management fills one of those well-known long-felt wants is to be found in its recruitment of more than 1,400 members in its first year. Transport comes within its purview but its scope is different from that of the Chartered Institute of Transport.

For instance, it concerns itself with members' vocational ambitions. One of its services is an annual survey of salaries — something that the CIT might think slightly vulgar. This is the kind of activity that may help in realising the aim of more than 2,500 members by next January.