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THATCHER FOR PRESIDENTIALS • While I'm sure we all appreciate

20th August 1987, Page 53
20th August 1987
Page 53
Page 53, 20th August 1987 — THATCHER FOR PRESIDENTIALS • While I'm sure we all appreciate
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

your elevation of the USA to a 52-state nation, there are as yet only 50 states (Hawaii and Alaska being the last two admitted).

Should your country wish to gain admittance to the Union, I'm sure the State Department would be glad to give you details.

Andrew Katz Upstart Publishing Dover, NH USA We could of course claim that we are correct. According to Usage & Abusage, 'Great Britain' is officially England, Scotland and Wales (for the United Kingdom add Northern Ireland). Treat them separately and it brings the number to 53.

Then again we may not, and accept that Mr Katz is undoubtedly tight. Ed.

"We want to be in America" — West Side Story.

vehicles bought after October 1 1986 at no charge to the customer.

Chris Christiansen Manager-Advertising and Sales Promotion Iveco Ford Truck.

The editor welcomes readers' letters. Write to: Dear Sir, Commercial Motor, Quadrant House, The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey SM2 MS, or use our 24hour answering service to dictate letters: phone 01-661 3302.