Popular M.E. Cleansing Tank in New Form.
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An improved•pressure cleansing tank has been introduced by Mann Egerton and Co., Ltd., 5, Prince of Wales Road. Norwich, the well-known maker of M.E. garage equipment.. The piece of apparatus under consideration, comprises a paraffin tank mounted on a three-wheeled trolley and equipped with a foot-operated semi-rotary force pump which draws paraffin from the bottom of the tank and discharges it through a hose, provided with a nozzle. By this means a jet of paraffin can be directed at the parts to be cleaned.
A tray is mounted about half-way n22 down the tank, and immediately below it is a filter.
The improvements chiefly concern the parts container. This is now a separate tank, the bottom of which forms the perforated tray mentioned above, This inner bath can be easily lifted out complete, giving access to the removable filter beneath .it, which, is thus as readily 'extracted for cleaning.
We understand that the necessary parts can be supplied, at a low cost, -for the conversion of old-type M.E. cleansing tanks.