Answers to Queries.
Page 37
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Extra Platform Space from Trailer.
[2453] (Manchester).—A rubber-tired steam lorry may have a trailer attached to it, but the speed may not exceed 5 m.p.h., even when the maximum axleweight is below six tons.
Will Use Coke if Petrol Supplies Pail.
[2454] (London).—The use of coke by some steam wagons is the rule. The information tor which you ask was contained in a fully-illustrated article, pages 517 520 of our issue of the 23rd July last—description of Clarkson's new system of automatic firing with coke.
Changing Over to Motors, and Doubtful About . Overall Dimensions.
[2455] (Plate Glass).—There is no official regulation. as to the length of a trailer behind a motor lorry, but the joint weight of the two vehicles unladen may not exceed 6i tons. The trailer must not exceed 7 ft. 6 ins. in width when the motor unit weighs three tons or more, nor 7 ft. 2 ins, when the motor unit weighs less than three tons. The same maximum widths apply to the motor lorry, according to weight,
Where Shall We Buy?
[2456] (Sheffield).—The makes which you mention al e quite satisfactory. We should recommend you additionally, having regard to your location, to give the opportunity to quote to Clayton and Co., Ltd., Union Works, Huddersfield. There is practically no choice between the best makes, and it is largely a matter of personal liking for a particular type, and of delivery date. At the same time, it is only fair to say that the Albion Co. has specialized more than the other makers in the size of van which you mention.
Trying Contracting During the War.
[2457] (Kent Owner).—Our free sheet of working costs (copy posted direct) may help you ; for contracting work, you want to earn as revenue double the cost per mile that is shown, if you can get it, and in any event 50 per cent. more than the cost shown. It is not a good plan to deal with ton-mileage cost ; the best way to work out rates is to multiply the total mileage (light and loaded together) by the necessary revenue per mile, say is. 3d. for a three-ton vehicle, and to divide the sum so obtained by the tons of load available. Thus, for a 20-mile trip outwards to deliver three tons, with 20 miles of running home empty, the necessary revenne would be 40 times is. 3d., or 50s. In the absence of any back load, the one load of three tons would have to produce the revenue which we mention, and the rate would therefore he 50s. divided by three, or 16s. 8d. per ton. Of course, if you can get any back load, you can then reduce the rate on the outward load. Unless you get rates which are equivalent to at least 50 per cent. more per mile
run than the costs shown in our standards, you will probably find the margin of profit unsatistactory. The most useful type of body for contracting work is a flat platform with low hinged or removable sides and tailboard, plus a tarpaulin sheet and rope to tie it down, and rings to secure the rope. If you wish to be put on the list of owners to be invited to tender for mail contracts, you should apply to the Secretary, G.P.O., E.C., in writing.
Seeking Hire for His Freed One-tonner.
[2458] (Garage).—You should base your rates on a revenue of 8d, per mile run, adding loaded and light mileage together, if you wish to show a fair margin of profit. If delays at terminal points are considerable, ask 4s. or 5s. an hour for delay above an agreed maximum.
Electric* for India : A Reduced Choice Due to the War.
[2459] (13uyer).—Firms who supply electricallydriven vehicles have been cut down by the Continental war, due to the cessation of shipments from certain French and German •factories, We refer you to Edison Accumulators, Ltd., Duke Street, St. James's, London, S.W. It is possible that you will also be able to get some information re such vehicles from the Cedes Electric Traction Co., Ltd., 112, Great Portland Street, London, W.
Carriage Tax for a Traveller's Brougham.
[2460] (Distillers).—The case to which you refer was reported in our issue of the 26th December, 1012. It was also in a Court of first instance and was not a governing case. You have to remember that if your driver or traveller were once guilty of a lapse during the whole year, in giving a customer a free trip, that would be use of the car for passenger purposes, and not solely for the conveyance of goods or burden in the course of trade, and you would be liable. So long as you strictly and absolutely act in accordance with your evident intention, you will be safe.
To Replace Horse-tramcars Stranded by Commandeering of the Horses for War Purposes
[2461] (Trader).—We have no exact record of the commandeering of horses. Your point may be met by our giving you a fairly-complete list of the tramway undertakings which owned horses at the date of the last official return. They are as under :—
Municipal or other Corporations.—Derby, Middlesex County ; Morecambe ; Northampton.
Joint-stock Companies.--Bristol ; Cambridge Street Tramways ; Folkestone, Sandgate and Hythe ; Hove, Worthing and District; Lancaster and District ; Oxford ; Wisbech and Unwell; Wolverton and Stony Stratford : Galway and Salt Hill ; Londonderry, Warrenpoint and Rostrevor.