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Moothead's extra vehicles refused

1st November 1986
Page 18
Page 18, 1st November 1986 — Moothead's extra vehicles refused
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• While accepting that the maintenance record of West Yorkshire haulier Kenneth Moorhead was not bad enough to justify taking action against his licence, North Eastern deputy Licensing Authority Norman Moody has refused to grant him any additional vehicles.

In addition to considering disciplinary action Moody had before him an application to move the operating centre to the Whitehall Industrial Estate, Leeds, and to add four vehicles to the existing eightvehicle national licence, due to expire in June 1987.

Evidence was given by a vehicle examiner of six prohibition notices imposed on Moorhead's vehicles. In one instance a vehicle sent in for the clearance of a prohibition had been given a further immediate prohibition.

Moorhead said that he had got rid of the vehicle concerned and he would also

dispense with the services of One of his fitters. The maiiite nace system had been changed and a more comprehensive

himself. inspection form was now in use. He now got his overalls

on to sui)ervise Illailltenancr;

Taking no action other than to record a formal warning. and .2:ranting th.t.:cliatigt-.. of operating cella-0, Moody said he was nfit satisfied :at the moment, that Moorhead :was capable of nutintaining iriOre:than his cur rent nuiAlkt-:Of vehicles.