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Passing Comments

1st March 1935, Page 26
1st March 1935
Page 26
Page 26, 1st March 1935 — Passing Comments
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THE need for expert knowledge in dealing with motor cases has been appreciated by Hendon Police Court, which has had made small models of every type of vehicle. These will be used to demonstrate the positions of vehicles involved in the proceedings, whilst a plan of the scene of the occurrence will be drawn upon a blackboard. This procedure would doubtless be welcomed by drivers who are called before courts in other part s■ of the country. ONE of those Members of Parliament who take a strong interest in road transport is Mr. T. Howard, of Islington, London, who, on Tuesday, made a personal investigation into the procedure at Traffic Commissioners' sittings by attending a hearing in London. Various operators have placed their grievances before him, and Mr. Howard decided to obtain a first-hand insight into operating conditions. He was accornpanied by Mr. F. A. Walker, of the M.H.C.S.A.