And now she tells him
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ERIC RUSSELL, who on Christmas Eve retired as secretary of the Road Haulage Association (page 32), knew better than to advertise his connection with the industry. But in an unguarded moment at the tennis club he admitted that he worked at the RHA.
He was immediately belaboured by a woman member who blamed him for the noise and vibration she suffered from lorries which apparently passed her door day and night in a never-ending stream.
"Last night my bed positively shook," she shrilled."1 hardly got a wink of sleep. You ought to have been there."
THE WATERING hole at Parson's Green patronised by some RHA headquarters executives is used also by Robin Nedwell, of the television series Doctor in the House. When a customer collapsed in the pub, I am told, the medic bursting to get out of the actor immediately asserted itself and attempted artificial respiration.
How would Christopher Timothy have reacted? Would he have blown a horse pill down the man's throat?