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Check yot premiums

1st December 1979
Page 20
Page 20, 1st December 1979 — Check yot premiums
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COMPANIES with road haulage or distribution fleet should check their next pre tniums carefully, advises th! Freight Transport Associa tion.

From January 1 many insu rance companies are intro ducing a "partial indemnit! clause". This means that pre miums will be re-apportionec — some will go down but E great number are expected tc go up.

Broadly speaking, thirc party policy premiums will in crease — possibly by up to 4( per cent. Similarly, compre. hensive policies with an excess clause of more than £100 Will also have higher premiums.

But premiums on comprehensive policies with no excess or an excess less than £100 should go down, although this may not be apparent as inflation absorbs it and the premium could still rise slightly.

As well as advising operators to check their premiums, the FTA says it will be monitoring the situation. As a result of the restructuring of premiums, a comprehensive policy should become more attractive and the FTA commented that operators with third-party cover might consider a policy with comprehensive cover with little or no excess clause.