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TGWU warns of cab monitoring dangers

19th September 1996
Page 24
Page 24, 19th September 1996 — TGWU warns of cab monitoring dangers
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• The Transport and General Workers Union has warned that drivers employment terms and contracts will have to be modified as hi-tech in-cab monitoring equipment become increasingly common.

Last month Exel Logistics started a pilot study with in-cab computers and the T&G predicts most transport firms will be operating such systems within the next five years.

Computers in vehicles are linked via satellite to a computer at base which can monitor driver and vehicle performance. Some systems can plot a vehicle's route, monitor its exact position. record its rate of fuel consumption and even regulate engine revs.

The T&G says these systems will increase productivity and flexibility: it wants to be involved with the manufacturers in their development. It is holding talks next week on how it can develop a policy.

Areas of concern for the T&G include health and safety regulations, security, contract terms and how drivers' performance will be assessed.

T&G national officer Ron Webb says: "'I'his will be the major change in the industry over the next five years. Those who have it will benefit: those who don't will be extinct. However, the people who have control will be the employers and you can bet your life that if they find a driver isn't performing to laid down standards they will use the disciplinary machinery."