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Tip Wagon. Electric Chassis.

19th October 1920
Page 49
Page 49, 19th October 1920 — Tip Wagon. Electric Chassis.
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STAND No. 21.

Makers: General Vehleie Co., Ltd., Hay Mills, Birmingham.

THIS EXHIBIT comprises a 5 ton 1 standard chassis, a 2 ton standard chassis with electrically operated tipping wagon, and a 2 ton standard chassis with special van body, in addition to a corn. prehensive display of standard unit equipment and spares.

The G.V. electric has a motor capable of 300 per cent. overload capacity up to 30 minutes, and can climb any hill on

which the wheels will grip. Weight has been reduced to a minimum, and the design throughout is carried out to ensure freedom from wear. A B.T.H. allenclosed motor is used, this being made to the company's design. It is hung from a bar pwotod to the side frame members, annular ball bearings being used throughout. Transmission to the countershaft is by a Morse silent chain in an aluminium housing, and thence by roller chains to the rear wheels. Semielliptic springs front and rear without

centre .bolts are used. Wheels are artillery type with single Or double solid tyres according to the load capacity. Steering is by pinion and sector. Brakes are internal-expanding on each rear wheel with emergency brakes of the contracting' type on' countershaft.

The battery is a G.V. standardized type fitted with a non-spilling, arrangement,. Ironclad or Edison type batteries can be supplied to order. The controller gives five forward speeds and two on the rever,-e.