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Nothing to fear from the unions

19th November 1976
Page 49
Page 49, 19th November 1976 — Nothing to fear from the unions
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

Mr Roy Fox, managing director of Fox the Mover of Cymbran, South Wales dealt with the question of trade union membership and boldly told the delegates that good employers had no need to fear trade union activities. His company had recently signed a contract, one of the conditions of which was that those engaged on it must be trade union members. He reminded the delegates that it was not yet essential to operate a closed shop but suggested that any managerial opposition to it was merely an attitude of mind.

It was his view that if the employees belong to a trade union it was easier to recruit their whole hearted support and he believed that the unions could help to overcome customer difficulties by explaining the legal position apropos driver hours, rest periods, speed limits and the like.

Mr Fox who had been a member of the Transport Salaried Staff Association had been represented by his union successfully when he was cernployed by Pickfords Ltd.

He thought that the trade unions made people aware of the laws which governed their operation and said that if employers were conscious of the trade union awareness then they kept within the law.