Yorkshire Traction Cut Mileage, Boost Passengers
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LAST year, Yorkshire Traction Co. Ltd., carried 220.000 more passenger than in 1959. This arresting of fill national trend towards fewer carrying was reported last week by the chairman Mr. Raymond W. Birch, in his annua report.
In its peak year, 1955. the compan! carried 82 m. passengers. but by 1959 tht loadings had dropped to slightly eve 74 m. Mr. Birch said he thought contri butory factors in the passenger rise wert a higher level of employment in tht catchment area, and an abnormally we year from July onwards, in 1960.
Also in 1960, stage mileage dropped bs 74,000, although the total mileage wa! only 23,000 less than 1959. The stags mileage reduction was brought about bs reducing duplication as the result ol using larger-capacity vehicles. Since 195E the company had reduced its stage mileagc by 600,000 without timetable alterations.
Mr. Birch said he looked forward to 36-ft.-long single-deckers seating 55 passengers, which he felt were a more adaptable type for their area.