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Municipal Purchases and Proposals

19th May 1939, Page 33
19th May 1939
Page 33
Page 33, 19th May 1939 — Municipal Purchases and Proposals
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London (-want,: Council is to purchase six Lowestoft Corporation is to arrange for a trial at a 1.owla road sweeper and collector. Barnsley C.■rparation has authorised the purchase of .1 Mirrls van for the electricity committee.

Plymouth Water committee has accepted the lender it Wake Motors. Ltd., for the supply of a 1-1,.1.

Glasgow Trarspert Committee has accepted the tender of Albion Motors, Ltd., for the SUPPly 01 lower ,a141,1,

Glasgow 1:relisport Committee has accepted

the of ti.arrier Motors, Ltd., for the supply id a tractor and trailers.

Glasgow Corporation has accepted the tender of Ritchi,,,. Ltd., for the suppty of two 2-ton petro: whic:es for the gas department. Wanstead l'orporation recommends the acceptance of ttie quotation of Harvey Hudson, Ltd.. ter the. yolanly 01 a Vauxhall ambulance. Croydon K.ectrioity Committee has accepted the quo;-.C.,11 t the Leyland Motors, Ltd., fox the of an hydraulic tower wagon. Waristeid Corporation recommends for acceptance the wemclon of W. .1. Wells, Ltd., for the supp::.7 of a Ill 2-ton short-wheelbase lorry with 1.;.‘ha.d.i tipping body. Sunderland Town Council has accepted the lender ca Cr. ssley Motors, Ltd., for the simply of two to, 1.1.a“;s and that of F. Blagg and Co. for the supply of two aingle-dech bodies. Lowestoft Town Council has accepted the tender cf Leyland Motors, Ltd., for the supply et a 300-700-c.p.m. fire-engine with 19110,-IVi6 11,:iXi:41Ty pump and sliding-carriage escape. Glasgow Assistance Committee has accepted the tollowlug Trndets:—Messrs. William Park and SOY, 1,.r the supply of two ambulance bodies; the Clyde Automobile Co-, Ltd., for the supply of two ambulance chassis. Tanoweeth Fire Joint Committee is to boy a fire-engine, costing .C.1,24JU.

St. Helens corporation is buying four Leyland oil-engineti double-deck buses. Bournemouth Fire Brigade has ordered a Leyland 500-700 g.p.m. fire-engine. Halifax Corporation is buying eight A.R.C. buses, comprising five Regents and three Rcgals. Stoke-on-Trent Town Council requires a 11.4i-2ton lorry; tenders for its supply close on May Walsall Corporation is recommended to approve an outlay of X8,652 for the purchase of four 60-seater trolleybuses.

Guildford Corporation requires a 700-200 g.p.m. fire-engine with 50-ft. escape. The town clerk can supply fuller details,, and tenders close on May 27.

Sevenocks Urban District Council requires tenders for the supply of a 7-cubic-yd. saleloading petrol-driven refuse collector, the closing date being June S. flagshot Rural District Council requires a 350-500 g.p.m. fire-engine, a Lire tender anti a 350-500 e.o.m. trailer pump; the closing date for tenders is May 24.

Stockport Waterworks Comm ittee requires tenders for the supply of a 15-cwt van, and tenderers have to snake an allowance for an old vehicle; the closing date is June 3.

New Fewest Rural District Council is in the market for two 350-500 g.p.m. trailer lire pumps and a 120-150 g.p.m. tight trailer pump; the closing date for tenders is May 25, Sandovm-Shanklin Fr4an District Council requires a fire tender, based on a 2-ton chassis and suitable for towinga trailer tire pump. Further details may be obtained from the sur veyor's department. Tow-n Sandown, Isle of Wight, and tenders close on May 31.