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19th May 1925, Page 23
19th May 1925
Page 23
Page 23, 19th May 1925 — CO-OPERATIVE RAIL AND ROAD TOURS.
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The L.N.E.R. Arrange a Series of Tours in Conjunction With Enterprising Coach Owners.

DURING the 1924 motor coaching season the London and North Eastetn Railway Co., with the assistance of a number of coach owners in the north country, made extensive developments in the Tray of co-operative railroad pleasure tours, and, in view of the success attending those efforts, they have been encouraged to make fairly elaborate arrangements along the same lines for the summer months of 1925. The idea has much to commend it, for, whilst in general keen rivalry exists betweeu rail and read passenger-carrying industries, there is at the same time wide scope for co-ordinated efforts which have as their aim the provision of a useful and convenient form of outing for summer pleasure-seekers.

The outstanding point which finds favour with patrons of these co-operative excursions is the fact that the minimum of time is occupied in leaving every-day scenes, and, in the case of city and town dwellers, the stretches of business and industrial establishments which must be passed before the outing, as a pleasure run, actually commences. In the case of the combined rail-road tour, patrons are conveyed by train with all possible speed beyond the fringe of their normal surroundings, and are deposited at a convenient centre, from which, by arrangement with prominent local coaching undertakings, the remainder of the trip can be made by road at a more leisurely speed.

In the earliest arrangements made for the coming season by the L.N.E.R., two extremely appealing neighbourhoods have been selected, so far as northeastern districts are concerned, the respective places for detraining being Hexham and Alnwiek.

The picturesque town of Alnwick serves as the starting-paint for a series of particularly attractive motor tours in North Northumberland, embracing both half-day and whole-day outings. The rail journey to Alnwick from Newcastle is in the neighbourhood of 40 miles, and, in conjunction with Messrs. Gray's Motors, the following tours are scheduled:— By a similar arrangement with W. Robb and Sons, Ltd., of Hexham, an equally comprehensive range of tours is provided for 'holiday-makers who desire to spend the day or half-day in the charming and historical Tynedale neighbourhood. After a short rail journey of about 20 miles, passengers can make any one of the following road outings:— As was the ease last season, the excursions do not apply to individual bookings, but only to parties compris

ing at least 12 pasaengers. By this means, fares for the round trips are reduced to the lowest possible charge, and, roughly speaking, the rates work out at approximately lid. per passenger per mile. In order to meet the requirements of the promoters of outings by parties, departure times may be altered, and, provided reasonable notice is given, lunch and tea are booked at hotels along the motor route.

Whilst the schedules of tours which we publish refer only to Newcastle, through tickets may be hooked from all the large towns in Northumberland and Inclusive Fare from Mileage. Newcastle. s. d. (circular,

Durham, and special quotations can be given to parties travelling from other stations. A glance at the route maps which are reproduced herewith will give an Met% of the comparatively wide area covered, and, furthermore, should serve to prove that there are extensive possibilities for combined road and rail tours.