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Firms urged to act over business rates

19th June 2008, Page 55
19th June 2008
Page 55
Page 55, 19th June 2008 — Firms urged to act over business rates
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ROAD TRANSPORT operators with strong views about supplementary business rates (S BR) should be contacting their MPs or the Department of Communities and Local Government now ahead of the summer recess as the secondary legislation is due to be passed in the autumn.

SBRs will enable local government to impose a further tax on local businesses of between 2p and 4p in the pound to fund local regeneration and infrastructure a 5-10% rise on the current rates. Businesses with properties that have a rateable value of less than £50,000 are exempt There is to be no formal consultation on the proposals, which have been accepted by the government, but there is an informal discussion about the technical aspects of implementation. To have your say, e-mail contactus@communities. or talk to your local MP